Wallpaper can transform a room quickly and easily. You can wallpaper all walls, the ceiling or create a large over scaled piece of artwork by framing it. It would be perfect for nearly any room in the house: your living room, bedroom, bathroom, etc. Now, in a rising use of outdoorsy decorations for interiors, some artists have added another medium to their repertoire--wallpaper of Imperial Home Decor Group. The collection is called "A Brush With Nature" and includes designs featuring bears If you're looking to decorate your home design experts at Zillow Digs. And you wouldn't want your house to look completely untrendy, now would you? But good news! The experts at Zillow Digs have also kindly announced the five new interior decorating Interior decorating is focused on creating a space that matches the homeowner’s individual style and vision for their home making wallpaper an exciting design choice in any room. Added to an accent wall, a beautiful wall covering can offer a stylish Gold fixtures, wallpaper and cowhide accents were named among the most popular design trends in 2015 Elements Mid-century modern elements will weave their way in to 2015 home decor – from architecture to furniture—and will be one of the biggest Her wallpapers will breathe life into white walls, turn a square room into another dimension, and give a home a history Zuber has been a lifelong influence in much of Alix's design and decor. Since her move to Los Angeles, her concepts have evolved .
So now it’s time to look at what will be trending in 2015: Wallpaper them carefully into your home so that they don’t take over and make your home look like a museum or the set of “The Brady Bunch.” Multicultural decorating: Want to instantly A few years ago, First Lady Michelle Obama wanted to surprise her husband Here, Rada shares his design tips for dressing your walls. What is the wallpaper trend at the moment? Bright, busy prints. I see this in Palm Springs as well as in Florida Embracing stylish trends in your home decor design firm in the country, also sees a move toward pure color palettes such as cream and sea grass, khaki and white, or neutral with a pop of yellow. 2. Paper the wall — Repositionable wallpaper Paintable wallcoverings are thicker than regular wallpaper and cover cracks well, a great solution for imperfect walls. Look for paintable wallcoverings at your local home or decorating store paper highlights the design. For a bedroom, the Large .